After over two months the circumference of my hips has decreased from 52 inches to a fabulous 48"!! Now I know that to most people this doesn't seem a lot, but to me it is. I'm so proud of myself.
So, I hear you ask. How have I done this? Have I found some pill to lose weight? Some fantastic new trick to reduce belly fat? NO! I have achieved this by good old exercise. Lets take a look at what I have previously done.
In the past, I was one for fad diets. You know the ones, you can only eat carbs on a Thursday if you're standing on one leg and wearing a fedora. I did weight watchers, that didn't last long. I tried a veggie diet, again didn't last long. I tried cutting out chocolate, this worked - for all of 5 minutes then I soon went back to my old ways. At once point I bordered on anorexia, I didn't eat anything but drank lots of sweet tea and water, I walked everywhere. Soon I found I'd lost lots of weight. Incredibly unhealthy and as soon as I ate again it all went back on. The last year I decided to try something much healthier. As you'll remember for a few weeks I regularly posted on photo's of my lunch. A low calorie soup, followed by weight watchers crisp, bottled water and fruit. I didn't drink caffeine and I didn't really drink carbonated beverages. Again, this worked really well and I down a dress size as I was walking a little too. However, as soon as I stopped all this the pounds quickly piled back on.
Since then I tried all sorts of tricks. Which I quickly failed at, time and time again. The same story, same sad feeling when I stepped on the scales and saw that my weight wasn't dropping in the first week. Then something great happened. I was signed off work for 2 weeks with stress and given anti - depressants. The doctor explained that stress is caused by a seratonin imbalance, and that by taking SSRI's the mood swings and general bleak feelings would go away. Fabulous! One small problem, they take about 4 weeks to take effect. What was I going to do in the meantime?
I took to Google. Looking for any ways to naturally release seratonin in the brain. 15 minutes of exercise would do the job, or carbohydrates if you're in need of a quick pick me up. Spicy foods releases the same endorphins as laughing which make you feel happier. So I decided to do more exercise and generally follow a better diet. Eating better and exercising nightly. In the first two week, I dropped for 17st 1lb, to 16st 9lb. Then every week I weighed myself and found that I was losing an average of 2lb's a week. I measured my hips just before starting was a massive 52". Today I measured again, and found I was a lovely 48". I've now upgraded my work out to include, Pilates, Zumba and a Kick Boxing Boot Camp.
I took to Google. Looking for any ways to naturally release seratonin in the brain. 15 minutes of exercise would do the job, or carbohydrates if you're in need of a quick pick me up. Spicy foods releases the same endorphins as laughing which make you feel happier. So I decided to do more exercise and generally follow a better diet. Eating better and exercising nightly. In the first two week, I dropped for 17st 1lb, to 16st 9lb. Then every week I weighed myself and found that I was losing an average of 2lb's a week. I measured my hips just before starting was a massive 52". Today I measured again, and found I was a lovely 48". I've now upgraded my work out to include, Pilates, Zumba and a Kick Boxing Boot Camp.
All I need to do is continue in this fashion and I'll soon be "bikini ready" as they say. I shall weigh myself Sunday and see if these new routines are doing any thing for me.
For now I feel a huge sense of accomplishment in knowing that I'm doing well.