Monday, 16 April 2012

Has anyone seen my lost inches?

As the title for today's blog would suggest, I've lost some inches. 

After over two months the circumference of my hips has decreased from 52 inches to a fabulous 48"!! Now I know that to most people this doesn't seem a lot, but to me it is. I'm so proud of myself. 

So, I hear you ask. How have I done this? Have I found some pill to lose weight? Some fantastic new trick to reduce belly fat? NO! I have achieved this by good old exercise. Lets take a look at what I have previously done. 

In the past, I was one for fad diets. You know the ones, you can only eat carbs on a Thursday if you're standing on one leg and wearing a fedora. I did weight watchers, that didn't last long. I tried a veggie diet, again didn't last long. I tried cutting out chocolate, this worked - for all of 5 minutes then I soon went back to my old ways. At once point I bordered on anorexia, I didn't eat anything but drank lots of sweet tea and water, I walked everywhere. Soon I found I'd lost lots of weight. Incredibly unhealthy and as soon as I ate again it all went back on. The last year I decided to try something much healthier. As you'll remember for a few weeks I regularly posted on photo's of my lunch. A low calorie soup, followed by weight watchers crisp, bottled water and fruit. I didn't drink caffeine and I didn't really drink carbonated beverages. Again, this worked really well and I down a dress size as I was walking a little too. However, as soon as I stopped all this the pounds quickly piled back on. 

Since then I tried all sorts of tricks. Which I quickly failed at, time and time again. The same story, same sad feeling when I stepped on the scales and saw that my weight wasn't dropping in the first week. Then something great happened. I was signed off work for 2 weeks with stress and given anti - depressants. The doctor explained that stress is caused by a seratonin imbalance, and that by taking SSRI's the mood swings and general bleak feelings would go away. Fabulous! One small problem, they take about 4 weeks to take effect. What was I going to do in the meantime?

I took to Google. Looking for any ways to naturally release seratonin in the brain. 15 minutes of exercise would do the job, or carbohydrates if you're in need of a quick pick me up. Spicy foods releases the same endorphins as laughing which make you feel happier. So I decided to do more exercise and generally follow a better diet. Eating better and exercising nightly. In the first two week, I dropped for 17st 1lb, to 16st 9lb. Then every week I weighed myself and found that I was losing an average of 2lb's a week. I measured my hips just before starting was a massive 52". Today I measured again, and found I was a lovely 48". I've now upgraded my work out to include, Pilates, Zumba and a Kick Boxing Boot Camp.

All I need to do is continue in this fashion and I'll soon be "bikini ready" as they say. I shall weigh myself Sunday and see if these new routines are doing any thing for me.
For now I feel a huge sense of accomplishment in knowing that I'm doing well. 

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